Day three - more shooting; walking all over town; in front of museums, the wonderful Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame cathedral, the Louvre at night; it was all an amazing experience.
We did a lot of walking and meeting of the locals!

Melissa was not only a wonderful model, but also a great guide and translator!
Today was the day I had 15 minutes alone with firstly Evgenia, and then Rene and Melissa to see if I had learnt anything from the master himself. By this time, we were at the Trocadero area, with the Eiffel Tower in the background and my creative juices were completely flowing. Evgenia was just so easy to photograph, and I got some amazing shots of her dancing and looking gorgeous! And she had the most amazing red Gucci shoes on!!!

Everyone else also had a chance to work with Evgenia, here is Suzanne from England doing some amazing stuff!

Pieter from Belgium, Maria from England and the very famous Gywn Jones from Wales soaked up the atmosphere!

Then all the models were dancing and posing and bumping and grinding in front of the Tower, alongside an accordian player - it was all so typically French!

Jerry proved to be the total professional - shooting the models with a local's point n' shoot!!

I love how his wife Georgina has the real camera in the background here!

Soon it was my turn to shoot Rene and Mellisa in the shadow of the Trocadero, then onto more shots of the wonderful Marco and Liz!! Jerry really gets into the swing of things and pretends to be the groom!

After a quick squint at the underside of the Eiffel Tower, we went to the Notre Dame cathedral. Marco and Liz totally braved it with the Notre Dame pigeons for some totally out there shots! This is Gwyn from Wales and Tracey from England swooning over their shots they got from this amazing moment!

After dinner, we moved onto the Louvre, at dusk - stunning; here is Rene totally soaking up the atmosphere.

It was here Jerry showed u show he gets the best out of his grop formals; Rene was playing the groom, Marco the Father of the Bride, Pieter "Belgium Boy" a Groomsman and Peter "Danish Boy" Father of the Groom!
Meanwhile, Melissa was the bride, Georgina Mother of the Groom, Evgenia Bridesmaid and Liz Mother of the Bride!
Love this moment of Georgina and Melissa totally hamming it up for the cameras!

The boys were so funny!

And of course the obligatory "group formal"!!

One of the most memorable moments of the whole workshop was when we were in the courtyard of the Louvre and as it got dark, the lights of the building came on..... there was a saxaphone player in the corridor... and it was all so romantic.....

But soon it was chucking out time at the Louvre so we finished with some night shots in front of the famous glass pyramid. Here is Rene taking his own individual take of this monument...

We did so many great shots in front of the pyramid with video light which is something I have started to use this year, hence one of the reasons for the need for an assistant.
Here are my shots of the day...
Day 4 and 5 were for marketing and critique of our images; loads of ideas to make our businesses sparkle.
All in all, when I made my way back to Glasgow on the Friday, I was exhausted mentally and physically. We had walked all over Paris, we had shot our hearts out, we had made friends and cried the tears of emotion formed through a fellow bond and love for photography.
Here is a daft photo from Jerry's own blog which I hope he won't mind me borrowing for a minute, of the majority of the group about to cross the road; the daft Scots lassie at the front of course is me...

It was a week I shall never forget, and now I am full of new ideas for making NMP wedding photography even better than before! Thank you Jerry and all involved in the week.