While here in Texas, I am still contactable by email and my darling husband is holding down the fort at home and answering all the phone calls coming in.
At this time of year, it is always busy with wedding enquiries and already I have meetings set up with several bookings enquiries for when I get home, regardless of jet lag!
2011 is already booking up well, I have well over half of my target set for the year. 2012 is also booking up already and even 2013 enquiries are beginning to come in!
Though you can book a second photographer to come along with me for your wedding to give second views of the day or cover areas where I can't be in two places at once, I am a single photographer and I do only photograph one wedding a day. Therefore I do get booked up quickly.
I have been very blessed with clients who are so desperate to book me, they move their wedding date in order to have a date I am free on!
I custom quote all my weddings now (except when there are special offers on, say for example at the few wedding fayres I do now) so you can be assured of receiving a personal service with prices and products that suit you and your needs.
Email me on Nikki@nikkimcleodphotography.com with your wedding details and hopefully I shall still be free for your date!