I have enjoyed their work through their blog and website for a while now and managed to find out that they were doing a seminar before it was even announced!! Vancouver is one of my most favourite cities in the world, we even looked into emigrating there, but the homebuddy in me decided "no" and business was going too well, to uproot and move it all over there. So a 2nd visit after a 5 year wait was much needed.
Steve and Jen and guest speaker Laura Novak made my brain ache for 3 days; it was probably one of the most useful seminars I have been on, and already has made my photography so much better, and even more important, made my confidence levels rise by setting a shooting task to show what we COULD actually do with our cameras!
I was lucky enough to be in the group with the couple, who were extremely good looking and wonderful to work with. One of our tasks was to shoot and then the next day submit images straight out of the camera, no retouching, actions etc, just basic photography.
Here are the images from the session that I submitted as my "straight out of camera", then retouched to show the work I would normally put on them;

I was also amazed at some of the other images I was coming out with; these are all untouched, straight out of camera.
Infact I got so many good 'uns, here's a slideshow!
Yes, if you were observant enough, you would have seen the incredibly talented Mrs Bebb shooting with a basic Point & Shoot!
The people I shared Bebbinar Version 1 with, were an amazing bunch of talent from all over Canada and USA. As usual I was the only daft bugger to come over from the UK, though I do believe there is an irish soul going to Version 2 in February!
It was an honour and a privelidge to work alongside such amazing talent, and the Bebbs truely rock! Thanks to them and Laura Novak (great to see you again Laura!) for providing top class training.
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