And by the end of the meal, the whole room was up on their chairs, singing about pizza-pie!

The speeches were full of emotion, and the Matron of Honour was surprised with a cake for her birthday!

And then it was first dance time, before the Soul Kings rocked the house as well as their Afros!

Amazing amazing day, many thanks to Phyllis for putting me onto this wedding. And guys I hope you enjoyed Dubai and Hong Kong!

If you would like to see the complete portfolio of images from this wedding (and yes there are many many MANY more!) when it is released online (the couple will see them first on return from honeymoon), email me on nikki@nikkimcleodphotography.com with the groom's surname and bride's maiden name in the email, and I can send you the password when it is released. Some wedding details;
Wedding venue; Holy Trinity Church St Andrews
Reception venue; Old Course Hotel
Flowers; Helen at Old Course Hotel
Hotel co-ordinater; Phyllis at Old Course Hotel
Video; A&N Videography, Kirkcaldy
Transport; bride's own
Music; Trevor Cole & Soul Kings
Bride’s dress; designed by Valentino; bought at Harrods
Bridesmaids dresses; designed and bought at Leah Halliday
Stationery: Rice Wedding Design
Reception venue; Old Course Hotel
Flowers; Helen at Old Course Hotel
Hotel co-ordinater; Phyllis at Old Course Hotel
Video; A&N Videography, Kirkcaldy
Transport; bride's own
Music; Trevor Cole & Soul Kings
Bride’s dress; designed by Valentino; bought at Harrods
Bridesmaids dresses; designed and bought at Leah Halliday
Stationery: Rice Wedding Design
With thanks to Rod for being my non shooting assistant on the day....
and Cindy from Canada for being the second shooter (Cindy found the Scottish weather all a bit too cold!!)

Fabulous portraits Nikki!!
Fabulous portraits Nikki!!
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