Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jennifer's model shoot - Forrester Park Resort

At this quiet time of year, you could easily stagnate with no weddings to shoot; well not me.

Jennifer and I met on a wedding forum, and Jennifer very kindly helped me at another shoot a couple of months ago.

Today we ventured to one of my favourite venues Forrester Park Golf Resort near Dunfermline to do a model shoot; time for me to practice some new techniques, and the chance for Jennifer to wear her wedding dress since her big day in Malta in September (though I believe it isn't the first time she has had it on since then.......)

Here is a sneak peak at what we got up to today..

1 comment:

midgetjens said...

OMG how fab is that pic!!!!

Nikki McLeod Photography

Nikki McLeod Photography
tel 01383 821498